Powerfull three —
week study
Take a step to the youth and longevity!
Learn to control your body and destiny!

The School of Energy Practices of Igor Andreev recruits everyone for a powerful three-week study of the chakras and subtle bodies.

Sign up for a powerful three-week study
Dear friends:
My name is Igor Andreev. Allow me to share a little about myself.
- I am a leading Progressor of Psycho-Emotional Corrective practices; a Psychologist, a Reiki Master, a Master of Taoist practices (graduate of the Institute for Eastern Medicine RUDN -The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia).
- I am also an academic professor of the Orthodox Academy at the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Corresponding Academy member for the study of Informational, Logical and Anomalies (AIPAN), a member of the Russian Association of Traditional Medicine.
- I am the creator and developer of Udarnaya Block Hutta, and of the energy -informational health — improving system Alpha and Betta. A healer since 1998 (recognized as one of the best Russian Healers).
- I am a specialist in the field of energy and meditative technologies which allow you to considerably improve your life in all areas.
Our International School of Energy and Eastern Practices organizes monthly expeditions to different places of our planet in order to gain and systematize knowledge and energies received from places of power. All knowledge and energies are tested carefully and systematized into a single coherent system of energy and physical recovery of the organism.
Our healing technologies positively affect: Physical Health, Relationships, Abundance/Money, Send the Energy of Love and assist with your Spiritual Growth.
Powerful and versatile work takes place on all levels. I invite you to visit our YouTube channel so that you may experience and familiarize yourself with our energy healing technologies. You are invited to subscribe to our channel to receive updates, healing and more information about upcoming events. Knowledge awaits you!


In sickness, stress, lack of sleep, nervous, burnout. Your life goes by quickly, and you remain the same.

Lonely, spiritual emptiness, your dreams seem unattainable, nothing manifests..

Youth, health and beauty vanish, you cannot hold on to them. Year after year you continue to give away your power, feeling lost.

Learn how to work with the energy of the body, cope with stress, control your own destiny.

Get the inner power that attracts the right people to you and helps you achieve your goals.

To preserve the beauty of your body, to preserve your youth and obtain clarity of mind for many years. Live your life the way others dream.

These energies have been developed and were obtained at various energetically strong places of our planet. These methodologies will help you get on the path of joy, involvement, beauty and internal harmony.
This is optimum mental health.

Develop powerful intuition and ability to influence those or other events in your life. Basically, these practices allow you to become a creator of your life.

The development of internal energy will facilitate connections with the right people. A person who lives in harmony with himself is always surrounded by family and friends.

For life
Receive energy, that will attract success in business, self-development and other endeavors. Your life will change for the better.

For work
Increase stamina, improve efficiency, increase stress resilience. You will be able to do in a few days what used to take a week.